Before you tuck your loved ones and yourself into bed for a good night’s sleep, remember the age-old saying - “Don’t let the bed bugs bite”. For the uninitiated, bed bugs are the uninvited house guests (read, infestation) who literally feed off of you. Bed bug infestations are a growing concern and they can lead to health risks. Generally, bed bugs are found in hotels, dorm rooms and other public spaces, but they can also invade your bedrooms. Apart from just bedbugs, fleas, ticks and other insects too can make their home in your bed. Here’s a quick guide to help you avoid and prevent bed bugs and other bed insects.
Regular mattress care
Ensure you periodically clean the mattress and check for signs of bed bug infestation. Bed bugs are incredibly small creatures and take up room in bed frames, box springs, bedding folds, seams, furniture, etc. Regularly vacuum the mattress and wash your sheets.
Travel safe
The most common pass for bed bugs into your home is through someone returning from their travels. If you’re out on a vacation or a work trip, check your hotel room/hostel for bed bug infestation. Keep your suitcase and bags protected. Once you return, wash all your clothes (even the ones you didn’t use) thoroughly to reduce the chances of infestation.
Inspect second-hand furniture
If you’ve found a great ottoman at the antique store or a comfortable couch at a yard sale for a steal and you’re keen on bringing it home, make sure you properly check for signs of bed bugs. Clean the furniture, bed frames, mattresses you buy off of someone or even consider using insecticides to be absolutely sure.
Reduce clutter at home
Declutter both outdoors and indoors. Often, we tend to hoard on to a lot of belongings which we might not have a use for anymore. Discontinued projects, old appliances, used furniture, cardboard boxes take up shelter in storage areas and these are great hiding spots for bed bugs and other insects. Declutter your surroundings and ensure lesser hiding spots for bed bugs.
Home Remedy: Spray essential oils
An array of scents repels bed bugs and insects. Essential oils of lemongrass, thyme, eucalyptus, lavender are known to repel these critters. Mix the preferred essential oils with water and spray around the bed to avoid infestation.
Keep an eye on pets
For those of you with a furry friend in your families, ensure you regularly monitor your pets for signs of ticks, fleas or bugs. These critters are known to travel through pets and do feed on them as well. If you live in moist and rainy regions, then check your pets once a week.
Get professional help
Sometimes, regardless of all the preventive measures bed bugs might find a way into your household. If you do come across these bugs in your room, don’t panic. There are a host of professional pest control solutions available in the market. Look up your nearest and best pest controller and schedule a visit. Do your research on the service and the pesticide they use.
Change your mattress
Lastly, consider upgrading or changing your mattress if you do have an infestation. Professional help does go a long way in exterminating bed bugs, but a change of mattress should help seal the deal.